Navigator Essentials is the entry level version of Navigator. It is cut-down only in terms of features that aren't required, in the way it is implemented and the size of dealership that it is designed to support. It is built on the same software base as the other Navigator software versions and can be upgraded to these as necessary.
So, which dealers is Essentials aimed at? Let's start with who Essentials is not suitable for.
If you are a dealership group then Essentials is not for you, you will need the Standard or Enterprise versions of Navigator. Similarly, if you hold a Franchise - Essentials is for independent dealerships only. If you have more than 5 members of staff who would need to use the software at the same time then Navigator Standard version is likely to me more appropriate.
As you are still reading, it is likely that you are a single site, independent dealership with less than 5 administrative members of staff. If you are, then Essentials is aimed at you!
Essentials is particularly attractive because it provides the full Navigator end to end suite - including CRM, Vehicle Stock Control, Invoicing, Accounting, Service Job control , Parts Stock control and Marketing. Essentials also includes features such as web site integration, online service booking and Management Reporting.
Better yet, Essentials is provided with the option of no up-front commitment, and low monthly subscription, but with no lengthy contract periods.
So... Is Essentials for you ? If you've got this far, it probably is!