Phone Integration

Phone Integration

Phone Integration

If people are the heart of a dealership the DMS is the brain.  So it makes sense to connect them via the most sophisticated communications system – which is why Navigator has extensive  integration with telephone system. This links your DMS directly with your phone system. It makes perfect sense and delivers huge savings. Navigator Phone Integration takes customer communications to another level.


Because Navigator Phone is fully-integrated with your DMS, it gives staff full knowledge of the exact status of the client relationship (and the reason for their call) at their fingertips. When a customer calls, the phone brings up their files for fast reference, giving your staff up-to-the-minute information on the status of every job for every call. Vastly improved customer contact is thanks to the easy-to-use interface.

If people are the heart of a dealership the DMS is the brain.  So it makes sense to connect them via the most sophisticated communications system – which is why Navigator has extensive  integration with telephone system. This links your DMS directly with your phone system. It makes perfect sense and delivers huge savings. Navigator Phone Integration takes customer communications to another level.

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Would not hesitate to recommend Navigator DMS.

John Macleod
Lawrence of Kemnay
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